Open the Body, Relax the Mind, and Touch the Soul.
Yoga is For Everyone. Experience the most profound body changes... with the most accessible form of yoga, Svaroopa®.
I will be offering a special class on Saturday March 9th from 10:30 - 12:00.
It is by donation to support my MS Walk Boston Fundraiser.
To sign up for the class, donate here, and let me know that you are attending the class by emailing me!
Please contact me if you have any questions!
Upcoming Classes
Beginner/Continuing Svaroopa® Class
Yoga Therapy
Each class begins and ends with a guided awareness that will leave you feeling both refreshed and relaxed - something you may not be used to!
I invite you to experience Svaroopa® Yoga for yourself.

What Makes Svaroopa® Yoga Unique?
My mission is bring Svaroopa® Yoga to the people who need it most. If you are recovering from an injury or a surgery, Svaroopa® will help release the tensions slowly and safely.
Svaroopa® is a full spectrum yoga bringing changes to the body, mind and spirit. Working with the tight muscles of the spine I use poses to help clients begin to unravel those tensions. As those tensions unravel the body begins to heal. This can relieve physical, mental and emotional pain.
What makes Svaroopa® Yoga unique is that it is a full spectrum yoga. When I work with clients they come for a variety of reasons and can find relief from pain both physical and emotional.
I use blankets, blocks and other props to meet the clients body where it is at. This yoga goes beyond the stretching of tight muscles to releasing them. A released muscle is soft, flexible and stronger.
Svaroopa® Yoga also focuses on strengthening the arms, legs and abdominals (core) so that my students learn to use those parts of their body rather then tightening spinal muscles to do almost everything.
When spinal muscles are released clients gain flexibility, strength, freedom from pain and can move through life with greater ease.